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Estate Gift from Ruby M. Mason

The Foundation was named a 50% beneficiary of a bequest from the estate of Ruby M. Mason, who passed away in Lubbock, Texas on August 13, 2018. The bequest created The Ruby M. Mason Endowment at HighGround Advisors, formerly known as the Baptist Foundation of Texas. At the date this article is written, the Foundation’s share of this endowment is valued at $111,400. We will receive the net income from this endowment quarterly. In addition to the initial funding of an endowment, Miss Mason’s will created a trust to pay a life-time income to two individuals, and upon their deaths, the remainder will be added to the Ruby M. Mason Endowment. The trust was two-thirds of her estate, while the endowment was one-third. The other beneficiary of her endowment is the Baptist General Convention of Texas Cooperative Program Budget. Amazingly, to our knowledge, Miss Mason had no prior relationship with the Publishing House or Foundation. She was a 1939 graduate of Post High School, West Texas Hospital School Nursing in Lubbock (1944), Baylor Hospital School of Nurse Anesthesia (1955), and Wayland Baptist University (1993). Her nursing career spanned 45 years, including 31 years as nurse anesthetist at Plainview Hospital and other small area hospitals. We are most grateful for the generosity of Miss Mason and her dedication to Christian causes. Her endowment will support the ministry of the Publishing House until Jesus comes again.

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