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Little Girl’s Decision Shapes Life

The camp pastor stood at the front of the tabernacle, asking anyone who had a decision to make, to come and tell him. A little girl sitting on the last row of the tabernacle knew she was already a Christian, but she also knew there was something very important she needed to tell the camp pastor. Not certain exactly what to say, but knowing that she must go forward, the little girl suddenly hurried down to the pastor and blurted out: “I want to do something special for God with my life.”

I was that little girl.

As I look back at my life I am grateful for doors God has placed before me to “do something special for Him”. I love it that one door of opportunity led to the Baptist Spanish Publishing House (BSPH), known in Spanish as the Casa Bautista de Publicaciones. As a member of the BSPH Foundation Board, I am amazed at the scope of their ministry and humbled to know God has given me an opportunity to join them. I look for ways to make my service special for God.

I can pray… Not only because of what I know they mean to God’s mission in the world, but also because of the strong impression they have made on me, the staff of the Casa and their work are always on my heart. Any thought of them prompts me to pray for them daily and encourage others to pray. I teach an adult Bible study class every Sunday morning and we have a specific prayer time for the Casa the first Sunday of each month.

I can learn… I am drawn to any way that will help me know more about the work at the BSPH. One obvious way is their publications. One of my favorite pos-sessions is a copy of the Hispanic World Study Bible. I cherish this copy because it represents a comprehensive way to help pastors and other leaders understand the original languages of Scripture now trans-lated directly into Spanish. Perhaps an unusual way I am learning is through Facebook, where I have “friended” the Casa and can keep up with products and events they are promoting. In my drive to learn more, I feel I have just begun.

I can give… This is a most happy way. It allows my husband and me to share financial blessings and to realize that our money helps the Casa’s ministry reach people we will never even meet. The work behind the Casa’s door opens countless doors far beyond – everywhere Christian litera

ture is needed in the Spanish language. How happy I am that the decision I made as a little girl led me to find a most special way to support the work God is doing in the Hispanic world!

– Mrs. Sylvia DeLoach Member, BSPH Foundation Board

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